Customize your Kanban boards

Kanban boards can be extremely powerful. A common use case is the weekly sales meeting, but there are more workflows where it adds value. Yes, you can! Customize your Kanban board to make it fit your personal needs. It's the right thing to do. We'll show you how.

1) Decide on the content

Select a view

  • Pick a record type
  • Select a view you would like to use

Define the card properties

  • You can display up to 8 fields per card
  • Simply add or remove fields by clicking the "Card Properties" button

Hide or add columns

  • Don't need all these columns?
  • Just remove the ones you don't want via the "Columns" button

Filter your records

  • Use the "Quick filters" or "Custom filters" to narrow down the number of records displayed in the Kanban board

2) Decide how to display the content

Change the grouping

  • You can group your cards differently
  • Typical use cases are by Stage, Owner, Industry or Source

Change the calculation

  • Want to adjust the currency calculation?
  • No problem, hit the calculator icon to change the calculation based on any currency field - this includes custom fields as well!