The Notes feature, let's you configure Weflow so that it does not use the standard note object in Salesforce, but a custom objects instead.
You can use any type of custom object, as long as it contains fields suitable for a title and content of a note.
You must configure a junction object to create a relationship between the custom note record and e.g. an Opportunity, Account, Contact, Lead or otherwise.
Without a junction object, custom notes cannot be synced to Salesforce.
Configuring a junction object
Go to your 'Setup' in Salesforce.
Go to the 'Object Manager'
Here, create a new custom object that is exactly called like your custom note object, but apprehend the word 'Link' at the end.
Your note object is called Notes.
Create a custom object called NotesLink (by default, Salesforce will name this NotesLinks__c, which is correct and no problem).
Then create a custom field using the Master Relationship field type, to the custom note object.
Finally, add lookup relationships to each object type you want the note to link to e.g. Lead__c, Opportunity__c, Account__c, Contact__c, etc.
Field Mapping
You must map a title and a content field to the custom note object.
The title should be a short text field with 255 or more characters.
The content should be a long text field with the maximum number of characters available.
Additional properties
You can let Weflow surface additional properties at the top of the notepad.
Required fields e.g. 'Owner' will automatically be surfaced and populated (if possible).