Approving Weflow for the Google Admin Console

Please note: This article may not be relevant for you anymore, as PwC and Google have fully audited Weflow by now. However, we are leaving the article online in case you may have more restrictive settings at your Google Workspace organization.

Weflow lets your revenue team log emails to Salesforce via their Gmail inbox or a background logging service. To do so, Weflow needs access to the email inbox first.


Setting up Weflow for email logging in less than 1 minute

Follow these steps to ensure that your colleagues have no issues when connecting to Google with Weflow:

Sign in to your Google Workspace account as an admin

Go to

  1. Click on "Add app"
  2. Select "OAuth App Name or Client ID"
  3. In the search field, enter "Weflow"
  4. Select the Weflow app from the list
  5. Select the checkbox next to the Weflow OAuth Client ID
  6. Select the "Trusted" radio button
  7. Click on "Configure"

That's it. The whole process should only take you a short time. If you run into issues, you can contact us via or ping us right here via the live chat.