Quick-Start: Filters & Views

Use filters to create custom pipeline views that you can share with others — the perfect way to send reports and give updates.

What are Filters?

  • Filters can be used in the Pipeline Table view AND the Kanban view
  • You can filter for nearly anything in your Salesforce instance
  • Weflow makes it easy to apply filters with our advanced set of search operators, providing a simplified way of finding what you need

What are Views?

  • Just like filters, views can be used in the Pipeline Table view AND the Kanban view
  • Views are a snapshot of what you are seeing on your screen and include:
    • Filters
    • Fields (i.e., the columns in the grid view or card properties in the Kanban view)
    • Sorting
  • Views can be shared via the "Share" button
  • You can pin views by pressing the "Pin" icon
  • Weflow also shows you all the existing views that are already saved in your Salesforce account (indicated by the blue SFDC cloud next to them)

How to share Views with others?

  • Sharing views is fast and easy
  • Simply click on the "Share" button in the top right corner
  • For others to see what you are seeing, they need to be on the same Salesforce account AND be a user of Weflow